The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Justice for Kevan Thakrar! – End Prison Service racism and violence! – 24 Oct 2011

On Monday 24th October Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Northeast supported a demonstration called by the family of Kevan Thakrar, at Newcastle Crown Court
On Monday 24th October Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!Northeast supported a demonstration called by the family of Kevan Thakrar, at Newcastle Crown Court.

Kevan Thakrar is being tried for two counts of attempted murder and wounding with intent after three prison officers were wounded in Frankland prison on 13th March 2010. However, as many prisoners find when attacked by prison officers, the state is all too willing to reverse the facts and convict the prisoner for defending themselves. Kevan maintains that the injuries were sustained as he fought off yet another brutal assault from the guards. Kevan is a regular contributor to FRFI, exposing the daily realties for prisoners at the hands of the prison system. He is being targeted for daring to speak out. The trial is expected to last for four weeks and the protest was timed to coincide with the first day of the case for the defence.

Kevan’s mother Jean told FRFI:

‘Kev is a victim of multiple hearsay and the join enterprise law. He is innocent of the crimes for which the state holds him prisoner. Kev transferred to HMP Frankland in 2009 and soon became known to HMP Frankland staff as a trouble-maker for his use of the prison complaints procedure and helping others to understand and use the correct complaints procedure.

‘For standing up for his rights and the rights of others he was targeted daily by HMP Frankland staff with taunts of a racial and verbal nature, mental abuse which included threats of being beaten, “a Paki bashing”, or killed if he did not stop complaining. He also suffered severe physical and sexual torture while being held in the prison’s segregation unit.

‘In 2008 HMP Frankland received a very damning report of all areas of the prison and how it was run, including and especially race relations. Racism was and still is a major issue at HMP Frankland with prison officers being the major perpetrators. It needs to be addressed immediately. Too many human beings are suffering at the hands of these people. It must stop. Prisoners in Britain are on the frontlines of working class struggle against the barbarism of the imperialist state. We must give them our full and unconditional solidarity. The fabric of lies spun by the prison officers to protect their regime of racism and violence must be opposed.’

There will be more demonstrations as the trial continues and Kevan’s family is inviting people to come and sit in the court to show their support. The trial will be running Monday to Friday, 10.30am to 4pm at Newcastle Crown Court, Quayside, Newcastle NE1 3LA

Justice for Kevan! Break the Chains!

For background information and letters from Kevan see the Prisoners Fightback section of our website:

‘The Real “Inside Story” of the Brutal Regime at Frankland Prison’ by Eric Allison

‘Abuse and Assault under Close Supervision’ by Kevan Thakrar

‘The Deputy Warden of Woodhill…’ by Kevan Thakrar

‘Prison Censorship’ by Kevan Thakrar

For detailed information on Kevan’s situation see

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