The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Inside News – G4S pay out for unlawful handcuffing

The catalogue of abuses perpetrated by giant global security firm G4S grows. On 24 September, a judge awarded £6,000 in damages to 79-year-old Peter McCormack as compensation for the humiliating and degrading treatment he received after he suffered a heart attack while held at G4S-run Altcourse prison. Mr McCormack, who was on remand for a non-violent offence, was taken to hospital by G4S and kept chained to guards, some of whom were female, for 14 days, including while using the toilet and shower.

Help us send FRFI to prisoners!

The never-ending battle against unlawful interference with our publication by prison authorities continues. Frankland prison has now conceded and provided Rangzieb Ahmed with his previously withheld copy of the paper (see letters page), while Whitemoor and Swaleside prisons continue to reply to our complaints with absurd bureaucratic points about ‘incorrect suppliers’ and ‘virtual offices’; however we are confident that we will successfully overcome these hurdles as well.

FRFI is the only left newspaper in Britain which reports regularly on the struggles of prisoners. We send the paper free of charge to all prisoners who request it. Please help this work by funding a subscription for a prisoner. You can do this either via our website (see: or by sending a cheque for £15 for 6 issues or £25 for 12 issues to Larkin Publications, BCM Box 5909, London WC1N 3XX.

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 241 October/November 2014

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