The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

SWP votes for racist, Zionist Labour

A vote for Labour at the general election was a vote for the genocide of the Palestinian people. Yet the majority of the left evasively and dishonestly supported a Labour vote, mainly by their call to ‘kick the Tories out’. Thus Socialist Worker editor Charlie Kimber declared on 28 June that ‘Socialist Worker urges everyone to use their vote on Thursday to smash, exterminate and snuff out the Tories. Then dance on their grave.’ Socialist Worker may have told us elsewhere that Labour ‘backs genocide in Israel’ but come the election, it supported this genocidal party and called on us to do likewise. Socialist Worker was not alone: the Morning Star, the Socialist Party and Socialist Alternative all hid behind the dishonest ‘Tories out’ mantra to green-light a vote for Labour. Now they will cover up for Labour in government and tell us fictions about how pressure from the trade unions can force it to change.

FIGHT RACISM! FIGHT IMPERIALISM! 301 August/September 2024

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