The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Manchester: Taking on Labour and the SWP to smash the bedroom tax

Along with hundreds of people, FRFI supporters attended the 16 March protest against the bedroom tax in Piccadilly Gardens organised by the Labour left. Through Facebook the organisers had warned anyone who didn’t want a ‘peaceful’ protest to ‘stay away’ – clearly they didn’t want the defiant, working class tactics that beat the Poll Tax.

On the day, they gave fine speeches through their sound system about how the tax should be axed along with other ‘Tory cuts’, but would not condemn the £80m cuts Man­chester Labour council had agreed a few days earlier. They refused to allow other campaigners to speak because ‘this is not an open mic’.

FRFI supporters had other ideas. As the Labour chair was trying to wrap things up after a mere 45 minutes, a group of us switched off their sound system and used our megaphone to oppose the cuts and challenge the organisers to stand against evictions. We offered the megaphone to anyone who was of a similar mind. Faced with this democratic initiative, Labour supporters gathered round, shouting in the faces of people who wanted to speak and accused them of hijacking the protest – as if that wasn’t the whole strategy of the Labour hypocrites in the first place! They were so shameless that they said they would evict people for non-payment if the Tories give them ‘no choice’!

With the vociferous support of the gutless SWP, the Labour hacks then attempted to drown out the open mic with chants – and failed. They then tried – and also failed – to provoke a physical confrontation. After this they had no choice but to back down and walk away. Disabled people and others affected by the cuts were then free to speak about their experiences and challenge the idea that the struggle is just against the Tories. Sections of the crowd also marched off to protest at the town hall and some occupied a branch of Barclay’s bank.

As we go to press the organisers of the next rally on 30 March are under pressure to present a wider platform of speakers, including FRFI.

Louis Brehony

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 232 April/May 2013

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