The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

HSBC 3 update – setback for anti-cuts movement as Mark and Patrick found guilty on police evidence

john_pilgerFinancial appeal to support right to protest

After a two day trial, 28 – 29 March 2011, two of the HSBC 3, Mark and Patrick, were found guilty and heavy fines totaling £760 were imposed. The charges against Toby, the third defendant, were dropped before the case began – a significant victory for the campaign.

The HSBC 3 were arrested on 18 December 2010 outside a branch of HSBC in Newcastle. They were taking part in a demonstration against cuts to education and other public services as part of a UK Uncut national day of action. See:

In the trial five police witnesses provided the judge with all the evidence he wanted to hear, while the strong defence was ignored.

Mark was found guilty of breaking the conditions imposed upon a demonstration, despite the fact he was using a megaphone at the time the conditions were supposedly given. The judge ruled it was within Mark’s power to have heard the conditions.

Patrick was found guilty of obstructing a police officer in the arrest of Mark – despite the arresting officer not mentioning any obstruction in his report!

The clear  injustice of these convictions is a huge blow to the anti-cuts movement in Newcastle, and elsewhere, as it sets a precedent which will now make the police more confident to further reduce democratic rights, and the definition of what is considered ‘legitimate protest’.

As we have seen from the national TUC demonstration on  26 March, all those taking direct action against the cuts are seen as criminals, and the police will not hesitate in acting against all effective forms of protest. If the HSBC3 verdict remains unchallenged it will be a dangerous precedent for those arrested in London on the 26 March, as well as everyone else opposing the cuts.

For this reason the judgment must be fought and overturned, with an appeal to the Crown Court. We call upon all supporters and everyone within the anti-cuts movement to pledge full solidarity with the campaign, and we are asking for financial support to cover the fines imposed. The HSBC3 verdict must be raised in all anti-cuts groups, and support on the streets for further solidarity demonstrations must be forthcoming. Only with this support can the campaign challenge the judgment, and defend the rights of all anti-cuts protestors.

John Pilger sends solidarity statement to HSBC 3

The HSBC 3 Defence Campaign received this statement of support from investigative journalist and film maker, John Pilger.

“The arrests of Patrick, Mark and Toby starkly represent the most disturbing trend in Britain — the rise of an openly political police. This has happened in the past of course – such as the Miners’ Strike in the 1980s — but what’s different now is the impunity given to the police …on a wide range of critical issues by politicians, and a bi-party acceptance of their political role. At worst, the police can kill with impunity, it seems, and increasingly they arrest and prosecute arbitrarily those whose dissent marks the line between democracy and a state of fear and compliance. All power to the complete exoneration of the HSBC 3.”

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We can only oppose political policing together! They will not divide us!

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