The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Campaigning with Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

FRFI supporters are active in campaigns against state violence and racism and in defence of working class living standards, as part of the struggle to build a new working class movement that can resist the attacks of the ruling class on every front. Exposing the bankruptcy of the Labour Party and its followers is a crucial part of the battle against the opportunists who always, and in the end, defend the ruling class. See also pages 2/3/4 of this issue of FRFI.

Justice 4 Grainger

On 3 March the Justice4Grainger Campaign marked the anniversary of the shooting dead of Anthony Grainger by the Greater Manchester Police with a ‘speak out’ in Manchester city centre. Other families who have suffered deaths at the hands of the police attended and spoke about their experiences, including Janet Alder, whose brother Christopher died in police custody in 1998, Carole Duggan, the aunt of Mark Duggan who was shot dead by the police in London in August 2011, and Ann Michael, whose son Jacob was killed by the police in Leigh in August 2011. Charles Chinweizu spoke for FRFI, putting Anthony’s death in the context of more than 30 people shot and killed by the police in England and Wales since 2000, with no police officers facing trial for these deaths. 

Tyneside Community Action against Racism

At 7am on 6 March a leading member of Tyneside Community Action against Racism (TCAR), Hassanat Aliyu, and her three young children were snatched from their home by UKBA officers. Supporters mobilised a campaign including petitions, demonstrations and bombarding the Home Office and airline with letters and phone calls of protest, but on 9 March Hassanat, Teniola, Adunola and Shaniola were forced onto a plane and deported. Hassanat fled Nigeria in 2006 because her eldest daughter Teniola, barely a year old at the time, was threatened with female genital cutting. Hassanat fears that the same will happen to all three of her daughters. Home Secretary Teresa May stated on 8 March that everybody should ‘speak out, stand up against violence against women and girls’, but clearly the safety of these three African girls means little to her. TCAR is continuing to offer support to Hassanat.        

Counihan-Sanchez Housing Campaign

The Counihan-Sanchez Housing Campaign (CSHC) continues to campaign against cuts and evictions in north west London. A homeless family, Adriana and her 14-year-old daughter Yasmin have just won a victory over Harrow Council with the support of CSHC. They were due to be evicted from their one-room hostel accommodation, having been declared ‘intentionally homeless’. Adriana has now forced Harrow to pay for eight weeks’ accommodation while the family find a new flat. In February CSHC, Southwark SOS and Disabled People Against the Cuts held a lively protest at City Hall, marching around the building and handing in a petition. CSHC also supported a protest at Conway House, Kilburn against management intimidation of homeless residents and staff. VIPs such as Glenda Jackson were being wined and dined at a reception from which homeless residents were ex­cluded. We made plenty of noise complaining about this hypo­crisy and waste!  

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 232 April/May 2013

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