The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Manifesto for action

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☭ Fight for jobs, homes, fair benefits and a living wage for all

• organise to defend the unemployed, the homeless, families threatened with homelessness, the low paid, pensioners

• fight the Jobseeker’s Allowance

• end all means-testing

• for a decent minimum pension linked to the rise in average pay

• for the restoration of full housing benefit to single people

• fight the anti-trade union laws

☭ Fight for good education for all

• abolish the public school system and the grant-maintained school system

• abolish all forms of selection

• restore free school milk and dinners for all primary school children

• reverse all cuts in local library services

☭ Fight for a decent health service

• end the NHS internal market

• abolish GP fundholding

• abolish the Private Finance Initiative

• end the compulsory tendering of services

• end all prescription charges, and all charges for eye tests and dental treatment

☭ Defend democratic rights

• re-instate the right to silence

• repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act, the Public Order Act, the Criminal Justice Act, the Security Services Act and the Police Act

• re-instate the right to challenge jurors

• immediate repeal of all anti-gay and anti-lesbian legislation

☭ Fight for women’s rights and an end to discrimination on grounds of sexuality

• state subsidised nurseries and child care available to all who want it

• full employment and pension rights for all regardless of length of time in a job

• the right to abortion on demand

☭ Fight to defend the environment!

• stop the roads programme

• for a cheap and integrated public transport system

• emergency action to conserve world resources

☭ Fight racism!

• repeal all immigration controls and repeal the Asylum Act

• self-defence is no offence – fight racist attacks

• defend all under attack from the racist police and courts

☭ Fight imperialism!

• oppose British occupation of Ireland: troops out now!

• oppose British imperialist collaboration with Zionism and Turkish fascism

• oppose imperialist threats against Iraq and Libya – hands off the Middle East! Self-determination for Kurdistan!

• support liberation movements in all oppressed nations

• oppose the US blockade of Cuba


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