The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Stand with Manchester RCG against racism and fascism

On Saturday 27 July a Manchester RCG stall in Piccadilly Gardens was attacked by ‘Tommy Robinson’ supporters. The stall was held to celebrate Revolution Day in Cuba, the 26 July attack on the Moncada Barracks led by Fidel and Raul Castro.

The right-wing group carried out an opportunistic attack as Greater Manchester Police looked on. They had been allowed to invade the Arndale Centre before coming into the Gardens and attacking the RCG stall by tearing up literature and shouting abuse.
No one suffered any physical injuries although one comrade was continuously racially abused. When she pointed out to police ‘Liaison Officers’ that she was being racially abused they replied that they were ‘monitoring the situation’. The police did nothing to stop the attack.
The crisis of parliamentary politics which mirrors a crisis of British capitalism/imperialism has given strength to right wing, nationalist, racist politics which the ‘Free Tommy’ movement expresses.
We will not be intimidated by right-wing racists and fascists and will be out on the streets on Saturday 3 August in the city centre. It’s important that all those opposed to racism and fascism support our democratic right to be on the streets campaigning for socialism!

Join Manchester RCG for a street meeting against racism, fascism and imperialism on Saturday 2 August, 12-3pm outside Barclays Bank on Market Street. Facebook event here:

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