Striking TSG workers picket in Team Valley
Supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) in Newcastle attended two picket lines in the last week, in solidarity with striking workers in the public and private sectors.
The first, in the public sector, was a PCS-organised strike by HMRC staff, part of a series of one day strikes at HMRC offices across the country from 23-27 June. The workers are fighting against job cuts, office closures, privatisation, ‘flexible resourcing’, a new performance management system and attacks on pre-agreed leave. HMRC has made the decision to close all of its 281 walk-in tax Enquiry Centres which provide face-to-face help. They will be replaced by a telephone service. There will be a joint public sector strike over pay on 10 July.
The second strike, in the private sector, was a strike by Tyneside Safety Glass workers organised in Unite; 80% of them voted in favour of going on strike. The workers are fighting for better pay after the company announced a 0% pay increase this year – a real terms pay cut. A one week strike began on 16 June and when the management refused to budge, a two week strike was called beginning on 30 June.
The TUC’s quarterly economic report for June 2014 shows that the cost of living is increasing much faster than wages, meaning that real earnings are plummeting. Average weekly earnings (excluding bonuses) are only rising by 1.3% while Retail Price Index inflation is currently at 2.5%.
FRFI spoke to the striking workers about our campaigning against benefit sanctions. Attacks on access to benefits for people out of work go hand in hand with attacks on wages and conditions for those in work. The government is tightening the screws and removing safety nets to force people to accept whatever job they are offered, even if it is temporary, part time or on a zero hours contract. It also creates a situation where workers are under greater pressure to accept reductions in pay and the erosion of working conditions, rather than face the prospect of losing their job and being faced with an increasingly ruthless and punitive benefits regime.
FRFI supporters in Newcastle are also active in the Tyne and Wear Unite Community branch, a category of Unite union membership set up for the unemployed and students. The Unite Community branch has called a protest against benefit sanctions outside Newcastle City Centre Jobcentre, Cathedral Square, Cloth Market NE1 1EE (not far from Central Station) on Wednesday 2 July at 1pm. We encourage people to attend, whether you’re currently in or out of work, because an attack on one is an attack on all.
Together we are stronger!
Fight sanctions!
Defend wages and conditions!
Send messages of solidarity to the Tyneside Safety Glass strikers: 07761421607
Mark Moncada