The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Reply to Alex Snowdon of Counterfire

Protesting outside the BBC in Newcastle 22 July 2014

Alex Snowdon, from the organisation Counterfire, has got in a fluster. Hiding behind the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), he has lashed out at the RCG and FRFI in Newcastle for not doing as the PSC or Counterfire wants. The root of his outburst is his concern to protect the Labour Party from criticism over its support for Zionism. Snowdon’s statement is very long, but it only merits a brief response. Just a few points on which he needs correction:

1. The Palestine Action Group is a front controlled by FRFI
All decisions in PAG are taken in open organising meetings. Since the start of Israel’s current offensive, two PAG meetings have taken place; the second was attended by around 50 people, of whom five were RCG members – the idea that the RCG controls PAG is ludicrous.

2. The RCG refuses to work with the PSC and does not attend national demonstrations
The RCG has worked with the PSC many times in the past. We have repeatedly approached the PSC in Newcastle to work together; most recently during the protest at the BBC on 22 July. PSC’s Mick Bowman made it very clear they refuse to do so. The RCG has participated in all the national demonstrations: our ‘Victory to the Intifada’ banner can be seen in The Guardian’s coverage of the 19 July march:

3. The RCG protested at M&S on 22 July at the same time as the BBC protest
The M&S protest was planned at an open PAG meeting on Thursday evening; the PSC protest was only announced on the Friday evening, with a statement that the target had not been decided. An FRFI supporter proposed on the Facebook event on Saturday morning that the two events should be combined; his post was deleted and it was only then that the PSC announced their protest would be at the BBC, at the exact same time as the M&S protest. FRFI supported and participated in both events.

4. That the RCG refuses to work with anybody in the Labour Party
The Labour Party has been a pro-Zionist party since 1944. Its leader is clearly pro-Zionist. We will not be silent about the Labour Party’s crimes against the Palestinian people simply because some Labour Party members take part in protests. We are happy that they do so, we would be even happier if they had the courage of their convictions and broke with this wretchedly reactionary party.

5. That the RCG has a damaging obsession with Marks and Spencer
This is too silly. M&S has £250m annual trade with Israel, the largest of any UK corporation. They are an important target as part of the BDS movement. In Newcastle we have also targeted HSBC, McDonalds, Barclays and Boots in the last week. In Manchester our comrades initiated protests that shut down branches of Barclays, H&M and Tesco for the day and occupied M&S.

FRFI North East


VTI and FRFI contingent on the national demonstration in London 19 July


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