The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Protest against cuts to Sure Start in Newcastle – 7 August 2014

‘Play-in-their-way’ protest against cuts to Sure Start services in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

On Thursday 7 August Parents Against Cuts and supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) took to Northumberland Street, Newcastle’s main high-street, to protest against cuts to Sure Start services across the city. As we have previously reported, £1m has already been cut from the service and Newcastle Labour council is making a reduction totalling at least 65% of all Sure Start funding. Parents Against Cuts has organised fun, militant protests to put pressure on the council to reverse its decision.

 From the start of the day, the atmosphere was clear. The campaign had previously been in contact with the Fire Brigade’s Union (FBU), requesting that they support the event. As paddling pools were inflated in the sun, FBU workers arrived, complete with fire-truck, to provide water for children to play in. Although small, this is the kind of solidarity needed to build a successful campaign against austerity.

 This was followed by about two hours of ‘messy play’, children spreading paint, chalk and water across Northumberland Street. Alongside this, Parents Against Cuts and FRFI supporters held a rally, with an open mic, inviting people to speak about their experiences of Sure Start cuts or austerity more generally. The content of these speeches was very clear. Speakers highlighted the role that the Labour Party have played locally, passing cuts and pouring money into private enterprise rather than into much needed services. Since voting on its cuts budget in March 2013, Newcastle council has set aside £456m in its ‘capital spending plan’. The total amount to be cut from the city’s public spending budget over the duration of this budget is £108m. It is very clear whose interests Newcastle council represents.

Parents Against Cuts has organised a ‘Messy March’ on Saturday 13 September, assembling 12noon at Grey’s Monument, Newcastle. FRFI urges its readers in Newcastle to get active within the campaign, irrespective of whether or not they have children. The solidarity offered by the FBU workers is a step in the right direction, and the vibrant disruption caused by these protests will continue. Join us.

No cuts to Sure Start! No cuts at all!

James Bell

For local media coverage of the protest click here.

For more information about Parents Against Cuts go to the Facebook group: click here.

SATURDAY (13 September) – assemble 12noon @ Grey’s Monument, Newcastle:
Messy March Against the Cuts

Organised by Parents Against Cuts.


For more upcoming North East events click here.

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