The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Picket of M&S and march to BBC in solidarity with Palestine – Newcastle 22 July 2014

Protest against British media bias outside the BBC Broadcasting Centre in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

On Tuesday 22 July activists picketed Marks & Spencer on Northumberland Street in Newcastle. The protest was called by Palestine Action Group and was against the continued support M&S gives to Zionism and Israel.

That morning the BBC website carried a headline stating ‘Israeli soldier ‘missing’ in Gaza’. Only when you scrolled further down the article would you then discover that 600 Palestinians were dead. For them, a missing Israeli is more important than Palestinian deaths.

On the same day as the M&S picket, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) called a protest outside the BBC. Palestine Action Group marched from M&S to the BBC to support the protest against the racist reporting of the BBC.

The BBC has a courtyard in front of its doors. Initially demonstrators at the BBC were kept back across the road from the BBC building. When the group came from M&S they were able to run to the front doors of the BBC (which were locked) and this inspired a large section of the crowd across the road to rush down to the front doors too. The two groups of protesters joined together, cheering and chanting ‘Free, Free Palestine!’ An open mic was started and from then on the protest was full of energy and assertive with the demand for Britain to break all ties with Israel.

For a video of the protest at the BBC click here.

When the protest was coming to an end over 50 people marched down the road to hold an open meeting, called by Palestine Action Group, to discuss what action to take next. They will be joining the PSC-organised Newcastle March & Rally for Gaza on Saturday 26 July, assembling at 11.30am outside the City Pool (Northumberland Road, NE1 8SE). It will go down Northumberland Street (home of Zionist supporters M&S, McDonalds, Barclays Bank, H&M, Starbucks) to the Monument where there will be a rally. At the Monument you can find supporters of Zionism such as HSBC and Boots.

On Wednesday 30 July at 5pm there will be another picket of M&S on Northumberland Street (see below for more info) which will include some creative actions and is open to everyone to join and get involved.

For more information about Palestine Action Group go to the Facebook page: click here.

You can contact Palestine Action Group by email at [email protected]

To read more about why we boycott M&S click here.

SATURDAY (26th July) – assemble 11:30am @ City Pool, Northumberland Road, Newcastle, NE1 8SE:
Newcastle March & Rally for Gaza

Organised by Newcastle Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and others.

Facebook event: Newcastle March & Rally for Gaza

WEDNESDAY (30th July) – 5pm outside Marks & Spencer on Northumberland Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7AS:

Picket Marks & Spencer: corporate sponsor of Israeli terror

Please spread the word and join us on Wednesday outside Marks & Spencer for a protest in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, to expose British imperialism’s relentless support for Israeli terror and to call for a boycott of those companies that profit from the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

Facebook event: PROTEST: Picket Marks & Spencer – corporate sponsor of Israeli terror

For more upcoming North East events click here.

You can also follow FRFI’s Victory to the Intifada! campaign on Facebook:
Victory to the Intifada!

End British support for Israel!
Freedom for Palestine! 
Victory to the Intifada!

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