The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Newcastle Labour-run council cutting £400,000 from Free School Meals subsidy in March 2021

Newcastle FRFI street stall against the cuts

Students had only one day in school after their Christmas break before the sudden announcement of the third UK lockdown. The Government assured parents it would continue to provide free school meals, yet as we have seen in the past few days the food parcels sent out were shockingly inadequate. 1.4 million children claimed free school meals this January, with the highest proportion of claimants (23.5%) in the North-East. The Government’s willingness to offload part of its responsibilities to private companies like Chartwells when it could have prioritised providing the more flexible food vouchers as it had previously – and will now continue to do – shows a contempt for the people relying on support the most during this pandemic. However, even with the Government’s U-turn, the trouble is not over for Newcastle residents.

The Labour-run Newcastle City Council has announced a £40 million budget cut up to 2023, bringing total cuts since 2010 to £345 million. This will hit the vulnerable the hardest. The cuts attack disability services, adult care services, and libraries, they will “safely” reduce the number of children in care, and there will be an increase in council tax of 4.95%. The cuts will also slash free school meal funding by £400,000, which is appalling in light of recent events. Nationwide, an estimated 4.5 million children are living in poverty and a third of all families with children are struggling to put food on the table, such deep cuts can only make matters worse. How can Labour and Sir Keir Starmer criticise the Government for its food parcel blunder while offering no resistance to these austerity cuts which ultimately have the same ends – inadequate provision for those worst off in society? If the Labour “opposition” will not fight back, then it is up to us.

The Revolutionary Communist Group is launching a ‘Stop the cuts! Stop the spin!’ campaign to petition Newcastle council. With 2,500 signatures we can force a public debate in the March council meeting. Campaigns we have been involved with in the past have successfully reduced the impact of cuts, and in these unprecedented times, we must fight to protect our community.

Chris Manghan – Stop the Cuts! Stop the Spin!

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