On Sunday 3 February, Nottingham RCG and Nottingham Trent University Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Society co-hosted an afternoon of films and discussion calling for ‘Imperialist Hands Off Venezuela!’ and in defence of Bolivarian democracy and the Bolivarian Revolution. The films screened were The Revolution Will Not Be Televised and the RCG-produced Viva Venezuela! Fighting for Socialism (https://tinyurl.com/y8pebxta). These films detail the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution in transforming the lives of working class people, the lengths to which the ruling class in Venezuela alongside its allies in imperialist countries like the US and Britain will go to destroy and discredit the Revolution, and the poisonous role played by the media in misrepresenting and lying about the revolutionary process underway in Venezuela. The discussion focused on the hypocrisy of the anti-democratic imperialist-backed opposition in Venezuela, the need to cut through media lies about Venezuela and the need to fight for change in Britain as our contribution to the global struggle for a socialist future.
No Sanctions! No Coup! Venezuela – We stand with you!