The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

COP27 Day of Action in Birmingham

On 12 November 2022, Birmingham supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! joined a demonstration called by the Birmingham Climate Justice Coalition (CJC). A number of groups attended with different views on what could be expected from the COP27 conference taking place in Egypt, but we were clear: these annual summits offer no solutions to the climate crisis already affecting indigenous communities, oppressed nations and the poor and hungry across the globe. COP proceedings are dominated by the heads of states of rich nations who profit from environmental destruction. Representatives of fossil fuel companies and multinationals outnumber delegates from poor countries bearing the brunt of that destruction. As one of our placards read: ‘COP pledges are dead letters!’ The conference is sponsored by banks, energy firms and consumer goods giants like Coca-Cola. The host nation, Egypt, has long-standing economic ties with Britain: UK investment in sectors such as oil, gas, and consumer goods amounts to $48bn. Meanwhile, its people struggle to access basic state services and seditious activists are met with violent state repression, as highlighted by other groups at the demonstration. The UK’s College of Policing has even previously trained Egyptian police forces!

The crowd of around 200 assembled in the city centre and marched down New Street, disrupting the commercial takeover of supposedly public space by the ‘Frankfurt’ Christmas Market which seems to get bigger and start earlier every year. One contingent of demonstrators carried above their heads a large and eye-catching ‘ark’ made from bamboo and draped in cloth banners daubed with ecologically-minded slogans. Our major contribution was, as usual, to operate an open mic to encourage political speeches and chants during the march. We also reached out to interested passers-by, encouraging them to join the movement. On Friday 18 November, we are hosting a launch meeting for the new Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! pamphlet: ‘Capitalism is extinction! Socialism is survival! The climate crisis – no solution under capitalism.’

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We encourage anyone who is keen to fight against capitalist destruction of the environment and for a sustainable planned economy to come to the meeting, or, if you’re reading this later on, express your interest via the Join The RCG page of our website.

Adam Grey

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