The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Black pro-Palestine activist singled out for arrest in Nottingham

Nottingham RCG supporters hold solidarity picket outside Bridewell Police Station

On 8 February, a black pro-Palestine activist was targeted for arrest by Nottingham police while on a picket organised by the Revolutionary Communist Group. The picket was of HSBC, targeted for its funding of arms companies supplying the racist Israeli state. The arrestee were the only black person on the protest, and the only one to be targeted. They were arrested simply for asking to clarify their legal rights about giving their name.

Video here:

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This wrongful and racist arrest must be put into the context of the ongoing campaign to criminalise opposition to Zionism – a form of racism – especially following the adoption of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of antisemitism. An example of ‘anti-semitism’ under the IHRA is the statement that ‘Israel is a racist endeavour’. The arrest of this activist shows that the criminalisation of support for Palestine is well underway. 

The Revolutionary Communist Group immediately called a demonstration in response to this racist attack on the right to protest; and was joined by others including activists from Nottingham Youth Strike for Climate. 

Those who want to stand in solidarity against this racist arrest can phone the 101 switchboard and ask to leave a message for the activist arrested on the afternoon of Saturday 8 February on Clumber Street, Nottingham. The Bridewell number is disconnected, blocking people from inquiring after the arrestee’s welfare! 101 can put you through to the Bridewell, where you can demand to know about the welfare of the arrestee, and leave a message of solidarity. 

Fight police Racism!

Defend the right to protest!

Free Palestine!

Sign our petition to demand that Nottinghamshire Police :

• Take no further action against Daniel Green

Press no charges against anyone else present on the 8 February demonstration

Petition here:




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