The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Birmingham stands with the Stansted 15 against racism

Protest against the criminalisation of the Stansted 15

On 18 December Birmingham RCG joined a protest against the guilty verdict received by 15 anti-deportation activists who disrupted a charter flight from Stansted airport. Across the country people were holding protests in support of the Stansted 15 and Birmingham RCG answered the call. 

Members of Stand up to Racism and End Deportations Birmingham were also in attendance, holding banners and engaging the passing members of the public via a sound system.
Comrades in Birmingham have been organising consistently against state racism, which in this case took the form of the deportation of the people on the charter flight. One comrade spoke on the sound system, calling for action against the expansion of British terror law. For years now state repression on the basis of accusations of terrorism has been made harsher and more general. This has escalated to the point where now the peaceful act of preventing a plane from taking off has led to the Stansted 15 being found guilty of a terror related charge. 
Join us in Birmingham to fight Britain’s racist immigration controls, terror law expansion and state racism!
Free the Stansted 15! No deportations!
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