The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Tuesday 4 November – Close down Communications House! London!

On 4 November activists from No Borders, Southall Black Sisters and the Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq joined Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!’s monthly demonstration outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre in London in protest against immigration Minister Phil Woolas’s new offensive against immigrants and in support of all those faced with detention and deportation.

  • 60 Iraqi Kurds were deported to by charter flight in September and another 50 in October. The government claims that its war against the people of Iraq has rendered the country ‘safe’ for deportees to be forced back to.
  • On 18-19 November the High Court will hear the appeal in the ‘BK’ Country Guidance case about deportations to Democratic Republic of Congo. Meanwhile anyone can see from the news that DRC is not a safe place to be sent to.

Immigration reporting centres are places of fear for asylum seekers, who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several time s a week. From reporting centres asylum seekers can be detained without warning and sent to removal centres to await deportation. Solidarity outside the centres is always appreciated.


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