The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Imperialist Hands off Africa public meeting – 16 June 2012

Imperialist Hands off Africa public meeting – 17 June 2012

On 16 June 2012, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! spoke alongside other groups at a public meeting of the Hands off Somalia campaign, entitled Imperialist Hands off Africa, in Shepherds Bush.

The conference meeting was organised by HOS to bring awareness and action around the new scramble for Africa which is being lead by the British government and its imperialist allies. The other groups speaking on the platform were Uhuru, Pan Afrikan Women’s Association (Moyo-Wa-Taifa), Supporters packed the meeting at the Horn of Africa Community Centre to discuss the legacy and impact colonialism has left on Africa as well as the alternative and ways to oppose British imperialism.

Speakers highlighted the theme of anti-imperialism and socialism as well as African unity and revolutionary consciousness. This was emphasised through many lively performances from poets and artists including, Ibrahim Sincere, Zena Edwards, Mohamed Ali, Awoowe Hamza which electrified the room with uplifting revolutionary ideas. Marcel Cartier, US rapper and supporter of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, performed an acapella version of his track, Hands off Africa, with his collaborator, Nana D.

Fight Racism Fight Imperialism speaker Anthony gave a modern and historical analysis of how Europe and Britain in particular has underdeveloped Africa in order to ensure it could manipulate the continent to feed its parasitic capitalist class. The speech explained the need to take action in Britain to oppose imperialism at every level and opportunity as a key to smashing the capitalist system. The message was that taking action to expose and undermine imperialism is an urgent priority.

Hands off Somalia speaker Muna discussed the oppression that the Somali community faces here at home in Britain and reinforced ideas that they should not fear the British state’s threats but rise to them in order to oppose racial targeting and persecution.

The meeting also contained an extensive discussion with the audience who spoke on varying ways to improve our struggle and identify where we can increase consciousness on the role which imperialism plays in dividing and ruling us all.

Finally, Hands off Somalia announced their upcoming event ‘Rage Against the BBC’ which will be a protest and picket held outside BBC Broadcasting House on 30 June to oppose the lack of coverage on explaining the true causes of underdevelopment in Somalia.

Hands off Somalia!

Hands off Africa!

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