The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal – urgent action needed

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a revolutionary journalist, former Black Panther, and political prisoner. After being falsely convicted of the 1981 killing of a police officer, he was sentenced to death. In 2011 this was revised to life without parole – a living death behind the bars of the US incarceration machine.  Mumia’s latest appeal has now been rejected. Solidarity is needed now!

Prior to his arrest Mumia was a target of the infamous COINTELPRO, the FBI’s system of covert and illegal projects aimed at destroying the activities of political activists, involving every tactic from phone-tapping to murder. From the outset, the prosecution case against Mumia’s was beset with racism, coercion, and corruption.

In 2019, important new evidence was located in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. This evidence had been withheld from Mumia and his attorneys ever since Mumia’s trial.

In October 2022, Judge Lucretia Clemons announced her intention to dismiss Mumia’s petition to have this evidence examined in a court hearing. However, in December 2022, she postponed her ruling for another 60-90 days. With an announcement pending groups around the world took to the streets.

As part of this international mobilisation, North London Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! invited the Free Mumia Campaign UK to join our No to Racism! No to War! speak-out on 18 March with their banner and leaflets. A message from Mumia’s grandson Jamal Jr, was sent to the event.

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Photos: Steve Eason

On 31 March 2023, Judge Clemons issued her delayed ruling, denying Mumia’s request for a new trial. Once again, a call was put out for people to take to the streets.

North London FRFI held an action on Sunday 2 April, where we were joined by Global Women’s Strike, Women of Colour and the Free Mumia Campaign UK. Speeches highlighted the urgent need for solidarity and action to free Mumia.

It was consistent campaigning that moved Mumia off Death Row. It was an international movement that ensured he got access to the medical treatment he needed in 2016. That same energy is now needed to free him from prison after 47 years!

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Photo: Steve Eason

Despite his imprisonment, Mumia, has continued to use his voice to shout out against injustices across the globe, from state racism to environmental destruction, exposing the inequalities of capitalism and against imperialist war. Mumia’s continued resistance has been a political barrier to his release. He remains a powerful voice on the side of all those fighting inequality and injustice.

24 April will be Mumia’s 69th birthday and we will be taking the urgent campaign to free him back onto the streets at XR’s The Big One on 22 April. JOIN US THERE! 

Listen to Mumia’s broadcasts at 

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