The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Wisconsin Workers Fight Back – 23 Feb 2011


In the United States, just as in Britain, a major attack is underway on public spending and services. State and Federal budgets are being cut. The capitalists are trying to throw the cost of the economic crisis onto the backs of the working class so the bankers and their friends can continue to rake in billions of dollars. At the Federal level both Democrats and Republicans are proposing cuts: the only difference is over what gets cut and how deeply. There have been local fightbacks – parents and educators fighting to keep schools open, to maintain senior centres at the local level, but a more widespread movement has been slow to develop.

Now, in Wisconsin, a State-wide struggle has erupted against the Republican Governor’s attempt to end collective bargaining and drive unions out of the public sector. In addition Governor Walker wants to cut pension benefits and increase charges for health insurance. All this follows concessions on pay and health insurance which the unions have already made. No wonder State workers are fighting mad! Tens of thousands have been protesting outside the Capitol, the State’s parliament and Democratic politicians have left the state in order to prevent Republicans from having a quorum and being able to pass a bill which would legalise the attack on unions. Students and workers have been occupying the Capitol for several days now. Support for the workers has come from exempt public sector workers like police and firefighters, as well as unions who organize in the private sector.

This fight is vitally important not just for the workers in Wisconsin, but for all workers in United States. In over 20 states, there are measures proposed to attack unionisation in one form or another. In Indiana, where there is a bill before the State Assembly to undermine unionisation of private sector workers, Democratic legislators too have fled to neighbouring states. In Ohio, where a similar bill to Wisconsin’s is before the legislature, 15,000 workers surrounded the State courthouse in Columbus, chanting ‘Kill the Bill!’, banging drums and playing the bagpipes.

The Right is mobilising Tea Party supporters who are being urged to go armed to demonstrations. In the worst tradition of the US ruling class, the Indiana deputy attorney-general, Jeffrey Cox, has called for the use of live ammunition against protesters. How the protests will develop in coming days is impossible to say, but the workers have an indomitable spirit and justice on their side and will not go down without a serious fight. At long last a section of the mainstream working class has decided to fight for its interests and is inspiring other struggles. Victory to the workers of Wisconsin!

Steve Palmer, February 23 2011

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