The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

UN vote: for the 30th time, end the blockade!

‘Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba’
In favour: 185 nations Against: 2 Abstentions: 2

For the 30th consecutive annual vote at the UN General Assembly, on 3 November the overwhelming majority of UN member states voted in favour of the Cuban resolution calling for an end to the United States’ blockade of Cuba. Only the US and Israel voted against. Brazil’s outgoing far-right Bolsonaro government abstained. So did Ukraine, whose client relationship with the United States apparently prevailed over the bonds of solidarity: over 21 years, Cuba provided medical treatment for more than 26,000 victims of Ukraine’s worst disaster since World War II, the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

On 29 October, Rock around the Blockade held a rally at the Cuban embassy in London to show solidarity with the Cuban people against the US blockade. RATB also addressed a 24-hour virtual picket on 3 November organised by the US-Cuba Normalisation Conference Coalition. The extraterritorial damage inflicted by the blockade, including the blocking of financial transactions and trade between Cuba and third countries, demonstrates the brutality of US imperialism. We join with Cuba and the majority of humanity in opposing it.

FIGHT RACISM! FIGHT IMPERIALISM! 291 December 2022/January 2023

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