The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Rock Around the Blockade

Help us send medical supplies to Cuba

We are raising money to send a solidarity brigade and vital medical supplies to Cuba. Last year marked the 60th anniversary of the US blockade on Cuba. Despite this, the Cuban people have built a society which demonstrates an alternative to the poverty, war, racism and environmental destruction caused by imperialism. Through socialist planning Cuba guarantees adequate levels of healthcare, education, housing and food security for all. This revolution extends beyond national borders: Cuba has sent thousands of doctors to countries across the world to help fight disease and illness. Cuba continues to face monumental challenges as it recovers from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, while the US blockade forces the Cuban people to overcome the political and economic might of the most powerful nation on the planet. There are difficulties importing fuel, food, and medicine. We will take material aid to help Cuba in the crisis it is facing, including medical supplies for a children’s hospital. We will also spend two weeks visiting schools, hospitals, factories, community centres, farms; learning about socialism and holding exchanges with Cuban youth about the reality of living under capitalism in Britain.Show your solidarity with the Cuban people by donating to the brigade:

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