The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Day of action for Colombia’s ‘false positives’

Placard reads 'East London says justice for the 6,402 Colombia false positives, fight racism! Fight imperialism!

Supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Group and Rock Around the Blockade joined an international day of action on 16 March, to demand justice for the 6402 recognised false positives killed by Colombia’s military.

The action was called by MAFAPO – Mothers of false positives, who have sustained a determined campaign against the Colombian state for its role in covering up the practice of executing civilians then dressing them as FARC rebels (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) in order to justify military incursions and bolster the insurgent death count in the civil war. Whilst top military figures like General Mario Montoya have consistently denied the existence of  false positives, the evidence gathered has been overwhelming.

Thanks to the determined pressure of Mafapo, the Colombian Peace Tribunal has been forced to accept that at least 6402 civilians, mainly young men, were executed and presented as false positives. Tuesday 16 March saw Mafapo present its report to the tribunal accompanied by protests in Bogota, Melbourne, London, Barcelona, Berlin and beyond.


The bloody hands of imperialist intervention have always pulled strings against the popular struggle in Colombia, from the interests of mining and agribusiness of Chiquita/Fyffes and Cerrejon to the ‘war on drugs’ and role of the DEA and CIA, from Colombia’s recent admission into NATO to the stationing of seven US military bases in the country. It is no coincidence that Colombia’s natural resources are traded on the New York and London Stock exchanges and the country is used as a pivot to the rest of South America.

Imperialists out of Colombia! Justice for the 6402!

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