The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Brutal lockdown in Berwyn prison

Barbed wire

In the last FRFI we highlighted the sickening comments by Prison Officers’ Association (POA) chair Mark Fairhurst, who welcomed prisoners being locked down due to Covid, as it gave the staff more control. Long-term prisoner KENNY CARTER replies.

I have spent 31 years in these hell holes, ghosted and moved over 200 times, with 15 years in solitary confinement in special units, cages and blocks. I’ve endured 18 years as a Cat A, been subjected to horrendous brutality and psychological torture, and witnessed the same treatment of countless other prisoners – all of it instigated and carried out by members of the POA.

The POA wants an end to association. Maybe Mr Fairhurst, you could petition for the return of bread and water, remove all TVs, play stations and stereos, bring back prison uniform and get rid of access to private cash. Would you like to see prisoners revert to the mentality they were forced to adopt in the ‘70s, ‘80s and early ‘90s, which eventually brought the prison system to its knees in a crumbling pile of rubble? When Strangeways fell apart in 1990, followed by riots across the country, it told the world that prisoners had finally had enough and it was time to stand up and fight back. Valuable lessons were learned, but clearly the POA learned nothing.

I would now like to invite you to come to HMP Berwyn. I have never been anywhere like it. Those employed here don’t work to help you with anything at all and not one of them is familiar with the correct procedures and policies re the use of force. Prisoners are being jumped on every single day by uniformed thugs who thrive on confrontation and instigation. Work that out Mr Fairhurst – your members in this prison alone are committing over 365 criminal offences a year.

Is it not policy that prison warders must do their utmost to defuse situations? Is it not law that they have no right to put their hands on any prisoner except in exceptional circumstances where that prisoner is being violent or threatening violence, and even there the use of force should only be a last resort?

Since this pandemic started back in March 2020, every Friday prisoners have been denied their fundamental right to exercise. Your comrades here are under the impression that exercise is a privilege and not a right. So much so that they are now starting to cancel exercise on staff training days. As you are aware, it’s unlawful to deprive prisoners of daily time in the open air, but according to your comrades they can do whatever they want. They call it ‘the Berwyn way’. Prepare yourself for legal action Mr Fairhurst, as it is coming.

So here we are in a system that’s once again thriving on systematic abuse: no visits, controlled unlocks, lockdowns on top of lockdowns, deprivation of fundamental rights such as exercise and basic cleaning materials. You need to remember Mr Fairhurst that prisons can only operate with the co-operation of prisoners. All we want is humanity, respect and dignity, not degradation, disrespect and brutality. Time to wake up, before prisoners themselves start to wake up and rise up once again.

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