The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Nottingham Protest against Racism and Deportations

NUAR protest 5 December 2020

On Saturday 5 December, Nottingham RCG joined Nottingham United Against Racism (NUAR) for a protest against state racism in the centre of town. Supported by members of Nottingham Global Justice Now Youth, the monthly speak out against racism focused on Britain’s racist immigration system and the intensifying attacks on migrants as the capitalist world heads into another economic crisis. The British government uses deportations to enforce a brutal immigration system which is designed to maintain immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers as an especially oppressed section of the working class. The use of deportation against those convicted of crimes is racist double punishment, on top of the disproportionate police harassment and imprisonment that black and minority ethnic people face in this country.

Campaigners spoke on the open mic about the recent success of campaigners and lawyers against the attempted deportation of 50 people to Jamaica by the British state amid a global pandemic, which took place on 2 December. Collective action and campaigning meant at least 10 people were removed from the charter flight, after the Home Office acknowledged they may have been victims of modern slavery/human trafficking, and others were removed on the basis of family connections in Britain. Join us in the fight back. No one should be deported as a punishment for crime, and no one should be deported full stop, no matter where they are from! No human is illegal!

NUAR demands an end to all deportations, an end to racist stop and search, joint enterprise, and the release of all IPP prisoners.

NUAR protest 5 December 2020

Join us for our next event online where we will be asking what we can learn from the history of black resistance against state racism in Britain including the street uprisings of 1981 and the Mangrove Nine as depicted in the recent Steve McQueen film ‘Mangrove’.

Sunday 13 December – 1pm

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