The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Letter from Republican prisoners in Portlaoise

Glasgow RCG protest in solidarity with the Saoradh 9 and Issam Hijjawi

Irish Republican prisoners write to FRFI from E Block of Portlaoise Gaol on the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic in prison and their hunger strike in solidarity with Palestinian activist Dr Issam Hijjawi.

Republican prisoners in Portlaoise Gaol have entered their ninth month of being unable to receive family visits, due to Free State imposed restrictions and further tightening of visits by the Irish Prison Service (IPS). From the outset Republican prisoners have been proactive in keeping Covid-19 out of E Block (the block which houses Republican Prisoners only).

When the doors open at 8.15am, all surfaces and handles, chairs etc are wiped down in case contamination is brought in from someone outside. This is repeated twice more after each lock up. All cleaning/painting/upkeep and light maintenance is undertaken by the Republican prisoners themselves.

While the prisoners have ensured the gaol remains safe, the IPS has been slow to act. As society came out of the last lockdown there were plans to reintroduce physical visits on 20 July 2020, but visits were still not back by the middle of August. When visits did resume, they resumed with restrictions of one visit per fortnight for 15 minutes. Such measures are completely unrealistic given the fact some visitors have a six-hour round trip to make.

In addition to this, the prisoners embarked on a 14-day hunger strike in solidarity with Dr Issam Hijjawi who was forced into isolation in Maghaberry Prison, having eventually received long overdue hospital treatment. On return to the prison, Dr Hijjawi was forced into solitary confinement, in stark contrast to non-Republican prisoners who left the same prison for hospital treatment. All prisoners within E Block, bar the three prisoners on E2 and one prisoner on E1, joined the strike.

The prisoners continue to fight on all fronts for better conditions within the gaol. Recent victories include temporary releases and ensuring Republican Prisoner Eva Shannon now has regular phone contact with her comrades. Eva remains in good spirits and as defiant as ever.

Republican Prisoners of E Block, Portlaoise

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