The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Newcastle arrests: Northumbria Police attack the right to protest

Northumbria Police arrest an anti-racist activist

‘We won’t allow any Black Lives Matter marches into the West End – not today, not next week, not ever.’Northumbria police officer 3094, verbal statement to participant on 20 June protest.

All protests or assembly by the left wing in Newcastle are banned – that includes FRFI, Black Lives Matter, Newcastle Unites, and any other group.’Northumbria police officer 1926, verbal statement to participant on 27 June event.

On Saturday 27 June, police kettled a number of people in Newcastle’s West End. They had planned to hold an anti-racist speak-out– until it was banned by the police. When the participants attempted to negotiate an alternative, and – failing that – an acceptable method of dispersal, police told them that they could: 1) remain – and be taken into custody for failing to disperse; 2) leave – and be taken into custody for dispersing against the police’s wishes; or 3) enter police custody ‘voluntarily’ and be chauffeured away in the back of their vans. Three people were arrested whilst peacefully attempting to disperse.

For three consecutive weeks, Northumbria Police has proscribed anti-racist demonstrations in Newcastle. Firstly, Black Lives Matter protesters were banned from marching from the City Centre to the West End, a multi-cultural area of Newcastle; now, they have placed an effective ban on all anti-racist mobilisations. At least five alleged ‘organisers’ have been arrested – their bail conditions are draconian, excluding them from much of the city and prohibiting their assembly with more than five people until mid-October. Others have been instructed to attend Forth Banks police station for interview. The police have specifically targeted young black men and communists. Human rights are under attack.

Police actions have had nothing to do with enforcing public health guidance. Their claim that these prescriptions are to prevent ‘serious public disorder’ between anti-racists and the far right hides the fact that the police are using the actions of racists to crackdown on protests against police racism. It is political policing.

A defence campaign is being organised for those arrested, demanding all charges are dropped and no further action taken. FRFI Newcastle calls on all anti-racists, socialists and progressive people to unite with us to fight for our human rights against a police force, which alongside Durham constabulary, has shown that it will treat those standing against racism very differently to the kid-gloves treatment of Dominic Cummings.

No to political policing!

Defend the right to protest against racism!

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