The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

West London FRFI – support our 2021 fund drive!

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The crisis of the capitalist system demands a political response.

West London FRFI/RCG is dedicated to building a local group which will defend the interests of the working class in Britain and internationally. Our revolutionary political work requires funding to pay for venue hire, materials, our national office, printing and other costs. We do not rely on corporate sponsors, state funding or advertising, but on the donations and support of ordinary people.

With your support West London FRFI / RCG will continue to:

  • Fight for the building of a movement based on internationalist principles of anti-racism and anti-imperialism.
  • Expose and oppose all imperialist political parties which attack the working class and oppressed, including the Labour Party.
  • Oppose political policing and attempts to criminalise resistance to poverty, racism, imperialist war, occupation and plunder.
  • Struggle for socialism; defend and raise awareness about socialist Cuba as a living example of a democratic, humane alternative to capitalism. Down with the US blockade!

1.      Contribute £2 per month to West London FRFI

2.      Contribute £5 per month to West London FRFI

3.      Contribute £10 per month to West London FRFI

4.      Contribute £15 per month to West London FRFI  

5.      Contribute £25 per month to West London FRFI

Alternatively, you can set up a one-off payment with GoCardless:

donate with gc large 2x

£2 £5 £10 £20 £100

All money raised will go directly towards the costs and funding of FRFI. Thank you for your generous support.

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