The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Cuba Round-up / FRFI 153 Feb / Mar 2000

FRFI 153 February / March 2000

Boycott Bacardi Campaign
Bar Busting Bonanza

In the run-up to the festive season, Bacardi had made a big push and their advertising was hard to miss. Unashamedly trading on its Cuban roots it promoted Bacardi Rigo as ‘cut the Cuban way’, its rum as ‘Established Cuba 1862’. The fact is that neither are produced or sold in Cuba and Bacardi stands for none of the things that Cuba is so famous for today: defiance and sprit, a healthy and passionate people, a love of partying and musical expression. The reality is that the Bacardi family, who fled Cuba after the 1959 revolution, wants to destroy Cuba’s socialist revolution that has brought universal free education and healthcare to the people of Cuba.

The bar bust action aimed to expose Bacardi’s propaganda. Dressed as blood- sucking Bacardi bats we noisily occupied the entrances to various Bacardi toting bars. On occasions we were approached by the management, but we stood our ground and handed them a Bacardi info pack (available to you on request for £2) telling them what this multinational is up to. It was a merry event with lots of noise and support from the public.

As we were sponsored for each of the bars we visited we expect to raise about £500.

We are now building for a national dayschool in London on 11 March: Boycott Bacardi! – Smash the US Blockade of Cuba! Bacardi was prominent in drawing up the latest tightening of the US blockade via the Helm-Burton Act. Bacardi, in fact, has been working with US imperialism towards a single goal for 41 years: the destruction of socialist Cuba. We call on all those who are opposed to multinational domination of the global economy, those involved in the anti- capitalist movement and all progressives to join with us in a day of discussion, debate, and deliberation! Themes and discussion during the day will include – a history of US aggression against Cuba and Bacardi’s complicit role – Cuba’s stand against the inequality, poverty, and injustice of globalisation – building solidarity with socialist Cuba – getting active in the boycott Bacardi Campaign – sharing experiences of direct action, demonstrations and practical work.


Boycott Bacardi! Smash the US Blockade! dayschool
Saturday 11 March, 11am till 5pm.
Marchmont Centre,
Marchmont St,
London, WC1,
nearest tube Russell Square,

£5/2 concessions, wheelchair accessible.

Street stall , Saturday 5 February, 1pm, Wood Green. Meet outside the entrance to the shopping centre by the library.

Work session , Wednesday, 9 February, 7pm. Building for the Boycott Bacardi dayschool. Tel. 0171 837 1688 for details of venue.

One Love – fundraiser , Saturday 12 February, 9pm till late: Harper’s Bar, Opposite Tufnell Park tube, north London. Party on down to hip-hop, funk and Latin beats while raising money for a sound system for Cuban youth.

Campaign meeting , Monday 14 February, 8pm Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1 nearest tube Holborn.

Street stall , Saturday 19 February, 1pm, Camden Town. Meet outside tube on Camden High Street.

Look out for our stall outside Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue, Islington, which is holding a Cuban Dance Festival: Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba, Rumbadelica. 2-13 February. Phone for details of times.

Bacardi Bar Bust! Evening of Saturday 4 March, Central London, meet at Oxford Circus tube, outside Shelley’s. Phone 0171 837 1688 for times.

Campaign meeting , Monday 13 March, 8pm, Conway Hall, (as above).

Lincoln Rock around the Blockade meeting, Wednesday 1 March, 7.30pm. For venue details contact 01400 230151.

Street stalls are regularly held in Sheffield, Lincoln, Leicester, Birmingham, and Nottingham. For details phone of these and transport to the London Boycott Bacardi dayschool in March, phone Jim on 01400 230 151


Stalls are continuing in various areas and with a regular stall at the University of Central Lancashire (UCL), Preston every Wednesday in the foyer of the Foster Building.

Campaign meeting , Wednesday 16 February at UCL, Harrington Building, 1pm. Tel: 01253 729876 for details.

We will be going up to London for the Bacardi Bust Dayschool in a minibus. Contact if interested. Up to that time we will be holding street stalls in the centre of Bristol and events up at the university. Come and join us. Contact Naz: [email protected]

WANTED! Are there any DJs out there who want to support RATB by lending their skills to a fundraising event? We can provide a venue but we desperately need your talents. Contact our central office on 0171 837 1688 if you can help. 

Brigade to Cuba: a unique experience

Rock around the Blockade’s fourth brigade to Cuba will be leaving for Guantanamo, southeast Cuba on Saturday 15 April returning on 29 April (though there are a number of places for a 1 May return for those who want to stay on for the May Day Celebrations in Havana). The brigade’s time will be split between agricultural work, political meetings and visits to hospitals, schools as well as recreational events. The cost will be around £650. To be considered for inclusion on this brigade you need to be able to commit yourself to working in solidarity with Cuba, before the brigade goes out and after its return. You must be prepared to raise some money towards the sound system. For more information contact us at Rock Around the blockade, c/o FRFI BCM Box 5909, London, WC1N, 3XX.

E-mail us at [email protected] and visit our website at for fundraising activities, further details of brigades to Cuba, Boycott Bacardi Campaign material and education on the importance of the Cuban revolution to the struggle in this country.

Boycott Bacardi! Smash the US Blockade! dayschool
Saturday 11 March, 11am till 5pm.
Marchmont Centre,
Marchmont St,
London, WC1,
nearest tube Russell Square,

£5/2 concessions, wheelchair accessible.

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