Court rules against ‘deport first appeal later’ policy
In June, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of R (Kiarie and Byndloss) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, that the policy of deporting foreign national prisoners who have ongoing appeals was ‘unfair and unlawful’. This does not mean that the government will not try to reintroduce the so-called ‘certification’ of appeals in the future, but for now all appeal certificates have been withdrawn and no more are being issued.
Guys Marsh – no smoke without tobacco
For the past three months, Guys Marsh prison in Dorset has operated a smoking ban throughout the establishment. Already described by prison inspectors as ‘in crisis’, ‘out of control’ and ‘unsafe’, the prison is now in engulfed in a constant state of nicotine withdrawal induced tension. Tobacco has become as prized as illegal drugs, while nicotine patches issued by prison health care are being traded, rolled up and smoked. FRFI has heard from a prisoner at Guys Marsh who described repeated roof-top protests, mainly by individual prisoners, including one who was persuaded down from the roof but then beaten up by prison staff, resulting in his going back up and staying on the roof for three days.
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Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 259 August/September 2017