The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

RATB round up / FRFI 202 Apr / May 2008

FRFI 202 April / May 2008

Following the hugely successful Cuban Speaking Tour meetings, Rock around the Blockade (RATB) groups are being set up in many towns and cities, including in new areas. Membership has nearly trebled and new events are being planned. Public campaign meetings are taking place to discuss the way forward.

In Manchester, which attracted 350 people during the tour, the local RATB group is gaining recognition as the only active solidarity group in the city. The build up to the tour raised RATB’s profile in the North West, with regular stalls, meetings and other events. There was a positive report of the Manchester University meeting in the Student Direct newspaper the following week. Since the Speaking Tour there have been campaign meetings to discuss future activities in solidarity with Cuba and to raise the issue of socialism within other campaigns.

The initial meeting on 5 March decided that the group should organise a ‘Hands off Cuba!’ demonstration on 26 July – an important date in the Cuban calendar, marking the beginning of the revolutionary armed struggle against the Batista dictatorship in 1953.

Liverpool RATB has held a film showing and a ‘Why socialism?’ discussion. A regular cycle of meetings and discussions is planned as part of the plan to establish new groups around the country.

In London RATB activists have held Cuba! Africa! Revolution! film screenings to packed-out rooms at the London School of Economics (LSE), in conjunction with LSE FRFI Student Society, about Cuba’s internationalist support for oppressed peoples in the world’s poorest continent. The documentaries tell the story of Cuba’s solidarity missions, and the meetings have had lively discussions concerning the role of socialists in Britain, in terms of their internationalist duty in support of the Cuban revolution. There are further meetings planned at LSE based on different aspects of the Cuban revolution, contact us for details.

In the North East months of hard work paid off when over 400 people came to hear Borrego, Garcia and Rufin speak at four meetings in Durham and Newcastle. FRFI and RATB activists have been building on this enthusiasm in the weeks since, with regular street events in Sunderland and a public forum planned for 6 April, organised by comrades who have become involved through the speaking tour. The first of a series of FRFI Readers’ Group meetings took place in Newcastle on 13 March to discuss ‘Health Matters’, a new pamphlet bringing together articles published in FRFI dealing with the Labour government’s attacks on the NHS and the alternative demonstrated by Cuba.

On 29 March RATB activists organised a regional day of action in solidarity with the Cuban 5, imprisoned in the US for their work in exposing terrorist attacks against Cuba. The day included a rally with street theatre at Grey’s Monument in Newcastle, where messages of support were read from RATB groups around Britain. This was followed by a fundraising meal and finally a Rebel Music club night with a host of local DJs at the Northumberland Arms, which continued into the early hours of the morning.
Following the success of the Glasgow leg of the speaking tour, RATB has established regular film showings and educationals about Cuban socialism and the revolutionary processes in Latin America. Recent meetings have discussed Hugo Chavez’s condemnation of the fascist, US-backed government of Colombia and Cuba’s crucial role in the liberation of Africa from colonial rule. On Saturday 5 April, a Rock Around the Blockade dayschool will be held at Glasgow University, discussing ‘Revolution & Socialism in Latin America’. We are urging everyone interested in fighting against imperialism to attend this important meeting!

The response to the Speaking Tour across Britain has shown that there are many people interested in revolutionary politics and communist ideas, despite the best efforts of the British media and sections of the left to spread lies about Cuba. This is a very exciting period to join in the urgent campaign work in support of the Cuban revolution. Come and share your enthusiasm and ideas with us.

Our events list gives details of meetings and demonstrations around the country. If you are interested in setting up your own RATB branch where you live, get in touch with us for help and support.             Viva Cuba!


Tuesday 15 April and 13 May 6.30pm
Education and discussion about the Cuban revolution
S75 (April), S78 (May), St Clements Building, Houghton Street, London School of Economics.
(Nearest tube Holborn)
These meetings are the first of several educationals based around Revolutionary Cuba: the streets are ours.  For a copy of the pamphlet or for information on forthcoming educational meetings contact: [email protected]

Saturday 5 April 1-3pm
Street stall – Free the Cuban 5! End the illegal blockade of Cuba!
Church Street, Liverpool city centre

Tuesdays 8 April (part 1) and 29 April (part 2) 7.30pm
Film showing and discussion:
Cuba! Africa! Revolution!
El Rincon, Roscoe Street
Saturday 26 April 1-3pm
Street stall – Free the Cuban 5! End the illegal blockade of Cuba!
Church Street, city centre

Tuesday 15 April  7pm
Film showing and discussion:
Cuba! Africa! Revolution! (part 2)
Part 2 of this amazing programme focuses on the fall of apartheid in South Africa, when 300,000 Cubans fought alongside African revolutionaries.
Stage 2, Northumbria Students Union,
Sandyford Road


Wednesday 30 April (part 1) and 28 May
(part 2) 7-9pm
Film showing and discussion:
Cuba! Africa! Revolution!
Room G3, Dundee University Tower Building
Perth Road
Contact: [email protected]

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