The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI 61 Aug 1986 – Apartheid: reign of terror

frfi 61

Apartheid: reign of terror

The crisis over sanctions

Britain’s stake in Apartheid

Namibian uranium workers

News from the non-stop picket

COSATU – new weapon against apartheid

Viraj Mendis appeal rejected

Ireland: Loyalists on rampage

Kinnock leads attack on Scargill

Wapping strikers face rotten deal

Re-instate Wendy Savage

The death of Mark Hogg

Newman declares war on the people

Sri Lanka regime forced onto defensive

Jordan King Hussein turns on the PLO

Reagan wins aid for Contra bandits

Chile regime acts to smash national strike

Basque victory in general election

Gifford’s good intentions, Newman’s road to hell

Thatcher wins more time for apartheid

Labour Party on sanctions: bold promises – scab actions

Britain’s stake in apartheid

COSATU: new weapon against apartheid

Britain’s racist prisons

Understanding Marxism 5: The production of surplus value

Guildford 4: defending Irish people on trial

Hands Off Ireland: The Stalker Scandal – stifling the evidence



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