The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Victory for Aylesbury Estate leaseholders

On 13 September leaseholders on south London’s Aylesbury Estate won a significant victory against Southwark Council and the Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) over plans to demolish their homes with minimal compensation. In a damning judgment delivered by Inspector Lesley Coffey on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government, the gov-ernment rejected the compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) on their properties.

Coffey cited an abuse of the leaseholders’ human rights by the council and a disproportionate impact on black and ethnic minority residents. This ruling will provide ammunition for all those fighting against the demolition of their homes.

NHHT plans for the Aylesbury – one of the largest council estates in the country – would involve razing 2,700 council homes, to be replaced with nearly 3,000 homes for private sale and 2,288 for ‘affordable’ – ie 80% of market – rent. Southwark Council says it will appeal against the ruling and in the meantime demolish the estate around the leaseholders’ homes. Now is the time to step up the fight to save the Aylesbury.

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 253 October/November 2016


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