The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Support Mumia Abu-Jamal!

Mumia Abu-JamalThe life of former Black Panther, journalist, intellectual and revolutionary political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is in great danger. In 1978 when MOVE was under state attack, Mumia was demanding that the police and City authorities account for their violence. Needless to say he was not popular with the Philadelphia police and in 1980 was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death for allegedly killing a police officer. As well as protesting his own innocence, Mumia has continued to write, broadcast and campaign against racism and imperialism, and to support MOVE throughout his own incarceration.

Now off Death Row, Mumia remains serving a life sentence without parole in the general prison population. Through medical neglect and malpractice, the officials attempt to execute him once more. On 30 March, with no history of diabetes, Mumia went into diabetic shock, with his blood sugar level reaching a high of 779 at one stage (any reading above 186 is considered dangerous).

After two days in intensive care he was transferred back to the same prison that failed to diagnose or treat him despite still being very unwell. His diet is dangerous and his health is deteriorating. He has lost 80 pounds in three months, been in a wheelchair for weeks and his situation remains very unstable. For the latest updates on Mumia’s health and the contact details of prison officials to phone, fax and email to demand he gets the care and visitation rights that he deserves, go to and for information about action in Britain to support Mumia go to

Free Mumia now!

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 245 June/July 2015

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