The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Boycott Israel! All-day picket in Newcastle – 16 August 2014

Activists in Newcastle force HSBC to close their doors for the day

‘We reiterate our call and urge action around the world. Palestine is under attack – and Palestine is resisting, on the path of Intifada. It is the time to act! Take to the streets…intensify the boycott.’ Call to action from Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 8 July 2014

On Saturday 16 August, Palestine Action Group (PAG) and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) supporters took up the call from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to intensify the boycott of Israel and held an all-day picket of HSBC in Newcastle city centre, from its opening time at 9am until 4pm. 

As a result of the protest, at least two HSBC customers went into the bank during the picket to close their accounts.

FRFI and PAG activists made speeches and performed political poetry and songs on an open mic. To watch the street performance of the song Victory to the Intifada, click here.

HSBC is an underwriter of the Israeli state budget, helping the Israeli government to issue bonds on international capital markets. The bank is also in the process of shutting down accounts of the Ummah Welfare Trust, a charitable organisation that has been providing aid to Gaza.

Like previous Palestine solidarity actions in Newcastle, the pro-Zionist, racist English Defence League (EDL) mobilised against the all-day picket. Numbering up to 20, the EDL stood behind a police line, chanting ‘terrorist scum off our streets’ and ‘you’re not English anymore.’ Many passers-by showed opposition to the EDL by joining the PAG picket.

As a result of the protest, HSBC was forced to close at 2pm. It was unable to open its doors for the rest of the day, losing a full three hours of business. Only customers with pre-arranged appointments were allowed to enter the building by staff. The event was covered by local newspaper the Chronicle. For their report click here.

HSBC is a British bank and is thoroughly involved in the imperialist support and administration of the Israeli state as it bombs and massacres the people of Gaza.

End British support for Israel!
Boycott HSBC!
Victory to the Intifada!


For reports of other North East events click here.

For events coming up click here.

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