The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Save Newcastle Libraries occupy the council chamber – 5 December 2012

On the evening of 5 December over 150 anti-cuts activists from Save Newcastle Libraries marched on Newcastle’s Civic Centre and occupied the council chamber where the full council was due to meet to discuss the proposed 2013-2016 budget, that would see the closure of 11 libraries, 100% cuts to cultural organisations and devastating cuts to play, youth and elderly services. Assembling outside the Laing Art Gallery and City Library, both of which will be impacted by the proposed cuts, the activists ensured their voice was heard loud and clear by marching through the Civic Centre’s front doors and demanding that councillors refuse to pass a cuts budget. People decided to hold their own meeting inside the Council chambers, discussing the impact of the cuts in our communities and calling for motions against the budget. Though we invited the councillors to meet with us, they decided to move their meeting to another room behind closed doors, whilst some remained outside and attempted to justify implementing the cuts, arguing that their hands are tied, quibbling over numbers whilst supporting a death sentence for Newcastle’s most vulnerable. We demand that the Labour Council refuse to be the executioners for the ConDem government. The vibrant protest tonight put the Council on notice that if they implement this budget, the ensuing devastation and resistance will make Newcastle upon Tyne ungovernable.

The next city-wide planning meeting of Save Newcastle Libraries is on Tuesday 11 December, at 5.30 at St John’s Church Hall, Grainger Street, Newcastle. Local action groups are being set up across the city. Contact [email protected] or 07858346276 for details and to get involved.

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