The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Housing for the Counihans! Housing for all!

No cuts in Brent! No cuts at all!

On Saturday 1 December, the Counihan Sanchez Family campaign had its second successful march through Kilburn, north London.  The march resonated with working class people on the streets, who are all too aware of the savage council cuts. The family campaign banner led the march, followed by banners from Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, the Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group and the Labour Representation Committee. The march was loud and vocal to the end, with speeches, chanting, singing and poetry.

The family is just one of many who are on the receiving end of the massive welfare cuts which are forcing working class families out of Brent.  The Counihans had their housing benefit cut after declaring that they had inherited a small plot of land in Ireland (worth only £18 per week in rental income). The march celebrated a victory, as last week Brent council told the family they will get their housing benefit back. Although this is just the start of the family being housed back in Brent (they are currently living in temporary accommodation in Ealing) it is a massive boost as it shows that campaigning works.

The Counihan Sanchez family are clear that their fight is the fight of all those facing eviction and homelessness and many people who are similarly affected are coming forward to join the campaign. The demonstration  stopped outside the house of Nigel Firminger to pay him respects, Nigel took his life after his benefits were cut, and he could no longer cope with the financial pressure and demands on him.

A victory for the Counihans is a victory for all those fighting the cuts. In the words of Sarah Counihan, aged 15, said: ‘We are growing, not going’.

Come to the public meeting:

Thursday 6 December, 6.30pm, Salvation Army Hall, 55 Chichester Road,

Kilburn, NW6 5QW

Email the campaign: on [email protected]
and look for details on facebook: Counihan Battlebus

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