The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Fight prison censorship!

Larkin Publications, which publishes Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) has recently received a letter from Governor Susan Howard, in response to our demands that she explain why she has banned readers in Wakefield prison from receiving the February/March issue of FRFI.

Ms Howard states that this is because of the ‘recent article reference Mr Thackrah [sic]’, which apparently presents a ‘genuine threat to security or the Good Order or discipline of the establishment or other prisoners’.

The article in question can be viewed here POA refuses to accept court verdict on Kevan Thakrar and was written for FRFI by Eric Allison, a well-know prison writer, who writes regularly for The Guardian, as well as for FRFI and other publications.

We always take attempts to ban our publications extremely seriously and will be taking legal advice in relation to Ms Howard’s actions, as will prisoners affected by the ban.  Supporters of prisoners’ right to access publications (which is legally protected by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights) are encouraged to write to Ms Howard and the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) in the Ministry of Justice complaining about this blatant attack on free speech.

Write to Susan Howard – Governor


5 Love Lane



Or email [email protected]


Michael Spurr  – Chief Executive of NOMS

Ministry of Justice

102 Petty France



Or email [email protected]

Please copy any responses received to [email protected]

Read the letter from Wakefield Prison here

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