The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Brigade itinerary

Friday 10 February

  • Meeting with the Cuban Institute of Friendship between Peoples (ICAP)
  • Meeting with the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC)
  • Visit to ‘Leonor Pérez’ maternity home, Old Havana

Saturday 11 February

  • Meeting with Orlando Borrego, Member of July 26 Movement who fought alongside Che Guevara in the Rebel Army and was his vice-president at the Ministry of Industries
  • Meeting with Committee for the Defence of the Revolution (CDR), Boyeros, Havana

 Sunday 12 February

  • Meeting with the Hermanos Saiz Association for young artists
  • Exchange with Venezuelan delegation from PDVAL communal state-owned gas company, in Cuba to study ways to raise political consciousness.

Monday 13 February

  • Meeting with students at the Psychology faculty, Havana university
  • Discussion with Noel Carrillo, Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee official
  • Event at Talleres de Transformacion ‘La Cieba’ a community centre in Central Havana Municipality.

Tuesday 14 February

  • Visit to Latin American School of Medical Sciences
  • RATB brigade donates sports equipment to the National Institute of Sports and Recreation at a local project in Ho Chi Minh Park, Havana.

Wednesday 15 February

  • Visit to a children’s cancer ward in the Institute of Oncology and Radiology in central Havana to donate children’s toys and art materials.
  • Exchange with The Pioneers of Jose Marti at ‘The Republic of Angola’ primary school, Boyeros municipality, Havana
  • Meeting with the Cuban Veterans Association, who fought for the revolution.

Thursday 16 February

  • Visit to the National Centre of Sexual Education (CENESEX)
  • Spanish-language launch of Helen Yaffe’s book Che Guevara. The economics of revolution at the International Book Fair in Havana.
  • Discussion with Angel Arcos Bergnes, close comrade of Che Guevara who introduced voluntary labour in industry

Friday 17 February

  • Meeting with Osmani Castro, representative of the Provincial Assembly of Popular Power for Havana city.
  • Meeting with Manuel Montero, representative of the international affairs department of the Cuban Workers Federation.
  • Brigade travels to ‘La Rosita’ cooperative farm, run by the Union of Young Communists, in Havana Province.
  • Meeting with members of the local Popular Council of Las Floritas in Guanabacoa.

Saturday 18 February to Wednesday 22 February

  • Daily voluntary labour on the farm
  • Meetings with family doctors
  • Discussion with Jesus Garcia of the Institute of Philosophy in Havana people worldwide!’


Rock around the Brigade y los 13 brigadistas de su brigada ‘Justicia para los Cinco Heroes’, de Londres, Newcastle y Glasgow, queremos agradecer a la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas por haber hecho de nuestras dos semanas en Cuba una experiencia estimulante e inolvidable. En particular, nos gustaría dar las gracias a Yelina y Lien en La Habana, por su  amabilidad, paciencia y su aporte político a nuestra brigada. A través de su trabajo con nosotros, aprendimos de la dedicación y el compromiso que ambas tienen con el proceso revolucionario en Cuba y  regresamos a Gran Bretaña imperialista, decididos a continuar la lucha en solidaridad con Cuba, por la justicia para los Cinco Héroes y por el socialismo.

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism 226 April/May 2012

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