The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Bank robbers demonstrate against the cuts in Angel – London – 16 July 2011

Bank robbers demonstrate against the cuts in Angel - London - 16 July 2011

What is the crime of robbing a bank, compared with the crime of founding one? so said Bertold Brecht.

With this in mind, supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! descended on RBS at the Angel Islington in north London on Saturday 16 July dressed as bankers and robbers to highlight the daylight robbery of our health, education and public services.

The protesters entered RBS and, in a lively scene, the robbers, representing the people, attempted to wrestle back the money from the real crooks and thieves – the bankers.

With relevant tunes on the sound system and an open mic and speeches, passers by were informed of shocking facts such as the bankers bonuses last Christmas amounting to £8.1 billion and that last year 100 RBS employees received £1m million while the NHS is being privatised, universal health care is under threat, further education is becoming the reserve of the rich and the government are washing their hands of caring for our elderly population.

One placard read, ‘Where is Labour Party protest?’…lest anyone forget that Labour Councils have been responsible for some of the most swingeing cuts in local services.

No cuts! Full Stop!

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