The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Edinburgh ISC

The Edinburgh Irish Solidarity Committee held a public meeting on 26 September which was attended by around 30 people, most of whom were the Edinburgh youth. The meeting was chaired by an 18-year-old EISC member and one of the two speakers was also 18 years old.

The first speaker began the meeting by bringing up the ‘great escape of the 38’ which gave the meeting a great atmosphere of solidarity with the Irish POWs. This was furthered by a motion to send a message of congratula­tions to the Republican Movement for the successful escape. The same speaker introduced the su­pergrass trials explaining their function and overall aim.

After the introduction there was a discussion on the trials which was followed by a solidarity mes­sage from Dundee ISC and the showing of the film ‘Prisoner of War’. Another speech from a young EISC member, described the work of Building an Irish Solidarity Movement and its ob­jectives and also the work done by the Edinburgh ISC to build a bigger movement in support of the Irish people and the work done by Edinburgh ISC to build for the 1/2 October demonstration and con­ference.

Overall the meeting was a great success achieved by the strong effort we put into our street acti­vity to build our Irish Solidarity Committee.

Willie C

FRFI October 1983

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