The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Viva Palestina!

msFollowing the murderous assault by Israeli commandos on the Gaza aid convoy on 31 May, members and supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! redoubled their efforts to mobilise for street action against the barbaric Zionist settler state of Israel.

On Thursday 3 June there was a bigger turnout than usual outside Marks and Spencer in London’s Oxford Street on the weekly demonstration to boycott M&S and boycott Israeli goods. The passing public showed greater interest in our message of solidarity with the Palestinian people and against British collaboration with Israel, by taking leaflets, signing our petition and taking part in the chants.

On Saturday we had a loud and militant contingent on the big march in London from Downing Street to the Israeli embassy, where speakers included people who had been on the flotilla who spoke movingly of the mission they were involved in, the vicious illegal blockade of Gaza and the horror of the Israeli attack on their boats.

We stand with the Palestinian people, against the blockade of Gaza, against this recent massacre of international aid workers and against the ongoing Israeli war against the Palestinian people supported by Britain.

Long live Palestine! Long live Gaza!

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