The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI launches October speaking tour / FRFI 211 Oct / Nov 2009

FRFI 211 October / November 2009

Over the past two months Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! activists have held a summer campaign to raise anti-imperialist consciousness and action. With the economic crisis and the political divisions that now exist within the ruling class, it is essential that we use this opportunity to build resistance to imperialism. FRFI has been active around the country from across London, to Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sunderland, Durham, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee.

Defend socialist Cuba! Free all political prisoners of imperialism!

In London, on Saturday 12 September 2009, to mark the 11th anniversary of the incarceration of the Cuban 5, we protested with supporters in a busy shopping street as part of an international day of action. The five Cubans are political prisoners held in the US for trying to prevent terrorist attacks against their country.

FRFI helped organise the event called by Rock around the Blockade which works in solidarity with socialist Cuba and against the US blockade. Under the title Break the chains: free the Cuban 5, free all political prisoners of imperialism, the rally highlighted the use as a torture camp of Guantanamo Bay, in illegally occupied Cuba, to hold prisoners of the imperialist ‘war on terror’. Speakers also exposed the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Britain, thousands of whom are daily detained and deported under Britain’s racist immigrations laws. Detainees include nearly 500 children.

People spoke passionately on the megaphone about the unfair trial of the five as well as the CIA’s involvement in training and supporting known terrorists such as Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch. Protesters also spoke out against other recent crimes of imperialism and its allies, such as the military coup in Honduras and the continued occupation of Palestine and Afghanistan. The event was supported by comrades from the Movement of Ecuadorians in the UK (MERU) and other left-wing groups, as well as passers-by who joined in to hand out leaflets with information about the Cuban 5. Similar protests were held in Manchester, Newcastle and Edinburgh.

Troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq!

We have also been campaigning against the brutal occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. Weekly stalls have been held in major cities calling for an end to the invasions and for the immediate withdrawal of troops. There has been endless propaganda from the Labour government and media in an attempt to gain public support for the war. Despite this the response that we have received from members of the public has been largely positive, with people eager to sign petitions that demand the immediate withdrawal of troops and for the Labour government to be put on trial for war crimes. In Glasgow activists have held a successful series of meetings at Langside Hall, Queen’s Park. These have discussed the major political issues from FRFI such as imperialist divide and rule – the fight against racism, the struggle for democratic rights on the streets today and the legacy of Scottish revolutionary John MacLean. Meetings will continue and the start of the academic year has seen the successful launch of an FRFI society at Glasgow University. This society will show films, organise discussions and encourage students to be active on the streets.

Fight Labour racism!

The Labour government is engaged in a systematic attack on refugees and migrant workers. Challenging this state racism is one of FRFI’s main political priorities. In Newcastle we are working in Tyneside Community Action for Refugees, which mobilises and co-ordinates resistance to immigration raids and deportations of local people and around the country we organise regular stalls and Speak Out against Racism and Deportations street events.

Speaking tour

The climax of our summer campaign will be an inspiring speaking tour. FRFI has already held a series of successful meetings titled ‘Who is more dangerous – Labour or the BNP?’ in which we debated the immediate challenge facing socialists trying to build a new movement in Britain. The speaking tour has just got underway and there are further meetings planned in London, Newcastle, Sunderland, Liverpool, Manchester, Dundee and Glasgow. All of these meetings will focus on the crisis of capitalism, the struggle against imperialism and discussions on socialist Cuba and revolutionary movements in Latin America (see the Events column for full details).


Members have been finding different ways to raise money to help finance the summer campaign and future work. Some comrades climbed Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England. In Scotland FRFI members participated in the annual Pedal for Scotland cycle from Glasgow to Edinburgh to raise money for the FRFI Fighting Fund. The 55-mile cycle is the biggest of its kind in Scotland. Please send any cheques to ‘Larkin Publications’ if you wish to donate.

The time for action is now. On this page you will see a list of our forthcoming events and meetings. The momentum from our summer campaign is continuing into the autumn with a range of meetings and actions. Get angry! Get active!

Calling all students!

Just started university? Want to set-up a Fight Racism!

Fight Imperialism! society? Wish to hold an anti-imperialist meeting?

Contact us at 020 7837 1688.

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