The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Protesters across Britain tell HSBC: ‘you blockade Cuba, we blockade you!’

Picket of HSBC on Oxford Street in London

On 30 April Rock around the Blockade (RATB), the Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG) and FRFI supporters’ groups organised actions targeting British bank HSBC in eight cities across Britain, in solidarity with socialist Cuba. HSBC ‘inhibited’ the account of community association Cubanos En UK in April, blocking funds raised to send medical equipment to Cuba. HSBC joins other British and European banks by implementing the US blockade against its own customers. This violates UK laws such as the 1996 Protection of Trading Interests Act. Following public denunciation by Cubanos en UK and the announcement of nationwide protests by RATB, HSBC removed the inhibition on the account and apologised, claiming it was a ‘mistake’. However, Cuba remains on HSBC’s sanctions list, so the protests proceeded as planned.

HSBC picket April 22c

Entering HSBC’s branch on Oxford Street, London protesters delivered letters of complaint to the bank manager. Once inside, actors played out the collusion of British and US imperialism dressed as Britannia and Uncle Sam; turning imperialist propaganda on its head. Picketers outside shut down the branch for the rest of the day. Customers were unable to use the bank and protesters explained to them why HSBC was being targeted.

HSBC picket April 22a

In Newcastle protesters picketed HSBC, telling the public and the bank: ‘you blockade Cuba, we blockade you!’ Speeches and leaflets engaged the gathered crowd, uncovering the reality of British banks’ attacks on Cuba and the working class. A speaker from RATB and the RCG addressed the city’s annual May Day rally, conveying the importance of resisting these attacks and defending Cuba’s revolutionary socialist republic.

HSBC picket April 22b

Protesters in Liverpool occupied HSBC, setting up an information stall inside the branch while a speak out was held outside explaining to people what was going on and why. They remained until the branch closed. 

Across the country, RCG stalls outside HSBC branches in Birmingham, Brighton, Glasgow, Manchester and Worcester condemned the bank’s sanctions policy and conveyed the hope Cuba represents for the international working class.

The campaign will continue as long as HSBC and other British banks enforce the US blockade of Cuba. You blockade Cuba, we blockade you!

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no 288, June/July 2022

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