The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Support political prisoners in Turkey!

Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yildirim

Since 19 December 2021, socialist political prisonersSibel Balaç and Gökhan Yıldırım have been on Death Fast (hunger strike to the death) in protest both against the injustices they have faced personally and in order to highlight the general situation of the people of Turkey. 

These comrades have been sentenced on the basis of fabricated evidence and secret witnesses. The security services have used made-up statements signed by criminals against them. The rule of law is being trampled over by the government. 

Some of their demands other than for fair trials include: freedom for long-term political prisoner Ali Osman Kose, who has been incarcerated for 37 years, 21 in solitary confinement; freedom for prisoners who are ill or disabled; an end to prison censorship of publications and books; an end to abusive prison disciplinary practices: the abolition of cellular prisoner transport vehicles; the restoration of ten-hours a day prison association time. 

Political prisoners in Turkey have a long history of powerful resistance and courage. Over 140 people died during the wave of hunger strikes in Turkish prisons in 2000-2002. As revolutionaries, political prisoners refuse to yield either to physical attacks or to prison policies of isolation and solitary confinement, both of which are designed to crush their beliefs.

In support of this resistance, to share their hunger and to echo their voice and demands Sinan Ersoy in London and Zehra Kurtay in Paris began a 30-day solidarity hunger strike on 26 February 2022. 

Sibel and Gökhan are reaching a critical stage of their hunger strike, and we are asking you to help echo their voice. International solidarity does make an impact on the fascist Turkish government. 

Send your protest messages to the Turkish Justice Ministry and the Turkish Embassy. Tell them to accept the demands of Sibel and Gökhan. Silence kills, solidarity will make them live! 

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice: 

[email protected] 

Embassy of Republic of Turkey in UK:  [email protected] 

Sinan Ersoy

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! No 287, April/May 2022

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