The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

The struggle against joint enterprise convictions

North and East London FRFI protest against Join Enterprise Convictions

Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) is a campaign group supporting people convicted of crimes that were committed by another person, and who have been convicted on the basis of ‘joint enterprise’. JENGbA has been campaigning on this issue for a number of years and in 2016 this work seemed to have paid off when the Supreme Court ruled that joint enterprise had been wrongly applied in the British justice system for some 30 years. But despite this momentous ruling, the Supreme Court has failed to ensure that those convicted can obtain justice or that the justice system correct its use of joint enterprise. AIMEE FARQUAR, whose son is in prison, convicted on the basis of joint enterprise, writes.

Six years on from that ruling, only one person has had a successful appeal and conviction levels have remained constant, demonstrating the lack of impact that the ruling has actually had. So, as we marked the sixth anniversary, rather than being able to celebrate justice, we are left angry that our justice system has failed us yet again. Like a phoenix JENGbA is rising back up to demand that our legal system stop the atrocity of joint enterprise, that it stops the racist and disproportionate use of joint enterprise on the working class and minorities and provides justice for those already unjustly convicted. JENGbA is gaining support from MPs and celebrities and has already won two social justice awards this year – most recently the Ron Todd Award.

I found JENGbA myself just last year when my son was convicted of murder under joint enterprise. Like so many, I was in shock when the prosecution failed to provide any conclusive evidence but a jury found my son guilty, despite not even being at the scene. To this day, I cannot comprehend that someone can be found guilty of possession of a knife they did not touch, see or have any knowledge of. How can a jury convict people of such serious offences that they know they did not commit with no evidence? Joint enterprise makes a complete mockery of our legal system and the suggestion that it provides any justice for anyone. I found JENGbA at a low point in my life but they are helping me to find strength and turn my anger into action to fight for my son and all those facing life destroying sentences for crimes they did not commit.

JENGbA is growing in size and strength and we will fight with everything we have to get justice. If you have been convicted under joint enterprise please get in touch with JENGbA – we want to hear your story. Knowledge is power, your stories can help us further evidence the trends and injustices we know exist and we hope that knowing we are here fighting for every person serving a joint enterprise sentence will also help keep your faith in humanity. 

Contact: JENGbA, Resource for London, Office 4, 1A, 4th Floor, 356 Holloway Rd, London N7 6PA

Tel:  0207 697 4071/5071 

Email: [email protected]

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! No 287, April/May 2022

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