The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Trevor Rayne talks on Imperialism and the Middle East @ “Palestine: unity and liberation” meeting

Trevor Rayne (Editorial board – Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!) talks at “Palestine: unity and liberation” on Friday 14 October 2011

Organised by Victory To The Intifada

In September 2011, the Palestinian Authority is urging the United Nations to recognise Palestine as a state by accepting Palestine as a full member of the UN. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is intensifying; the question of Palestine still unresolved. The blockade of Gaza continues; more settlements are being built in the West Bank and East Jerusalem; the Israeli army raids and demolishes Palestinian houses and makes political arrests; racism is on the increase against Palestinian citizens in Israel and many millions of Palestinians are still refugees.

The decades long Palestinian struggle for liberation challenges not only Israeli occupation and racism but also imperialist ambitions for the Middle East. Imperialism has been further threatened by recent uprisings in the region by people demanding social and economic justice.

The meeting addressed the contemporary situation in Palestine, with its internal political and class divisions, within the context of continued Israel occupation, imperialist intervention and resistance.


Adam Hanieh: Development Studies Department, School of Oriental and African Studies

Jody McIntyre: Journalist and Political Activist

Trevor Rayne: Editorial board – Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

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