The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Video: Rally in defence of Cuban revolution, 14/15 November 2021

On 14 and 15 of November 2021, the RCG, RATB and allied groups organised rallies in defence of the Cuban revolution outside the Embassy of Cuba in London. The US State Department under President Biden has provided millions of dollars to fund a ‘colour revolution’ campaign in Cuba, organised by Miami-linked Cuban dissidents, which aimed to draw anti-government protesters into the streets on 15 November to create confrontations with the police as a pretext for US intervention. This date was chosen by reactionaries to sabotage Cuba’s plan to re-open the economy to tourism after its successful Covid-19 vaccination and containment strategy; the anti-government protests were intended to prolong the hardship endured by ordinary Cubans under the illegal US blockade.

We mobilised alongside Cubanos en UK, Democracy for Brazil and Mafapo, with support from Bolivia Solidarity Campaign, Communist League, Global Majority and Brazil Workers’ Party. We were also joined by Communist Party of Greece, Partito Communista (Italy), Socialist Appeal, Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union and Free Julian Assange Campaign. The reactionaries were vastly outnumbered, blocked and ultimately left the area, and moreover the planned protests in Cuba failed to materialise – a victory of international popular mobilisation in favour of Cuba’s revolutionary process and freedom from imperialist interference. This video shows footage of the London demonstrations from both 14 and 15 November.

View on YouTube: Rally in defence of Cuban revolution – London 14/15 November 2021 – YouTube

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